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Data Analytics using Microsoft Power BI

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Trends of Data Analytics in Different Sectors


Trends of Data Analytics in Different Sectors

Data analytics is the process of examining raw statistics to identify trends, draw conclusions, and identify prospective improvements. In the data analytics approach, there are three distinct sectors. They are as follows: data analysis, data analytics, and data science. Data analysis is described as the process of cleaning, transforming, and modelling data in order to uncover relevant information for corporate decision-making. Data analytics is concerned with data, dashboards, and reporting. Data science include data analysis as well as data cleansing and preparation for future inquiry. These three industries work together to manage large amounts of data and turn it into usable and valuable information. A appropriate tool is necessary to perform these things together, one of which is Microsoft Power Bi. Power BI can turn unstructured data into logical, graphically engaging, and interactive insights.

Data has evolved into the contemporary era's game changer. Data analytics can assist users in maintaining their privacy. Companies employ the knowledge obtained through data analytics to influence choices, resulting in better results. When it comes to planning marketing strategies, deciding what materials to employ, and making objects, among other things, data analytics removes a lot of the guesswork. With modern data analytics tools, fresh data may be collected and processed on a continuous basis to improve knowledge of changing conditions. In the present day, data analytics is required in several industries to better understand their customers, adapt content, build content strategies, and develop goods. Data analytics enables businesses to optimize market efficiency and revenues. To unlock the mystery underlying customer happiness campaigns, the hotel and luxury sectors have resorted to advanced analytics technologies. They gather data and apply data analytics to gain a deeper knowledge of their consumers, allowing them to tailor customer experiences to their unique requirements, provide greater customization , and establish closer connections with them. The data analytics technique is widely employed in the educational industry. 

This procedure guarantees that establishing records, maintaining student information and outcomes, and providing the most reasonable scoring programmes are all done correctly. Some educational institutions offer a management system that can track all of their students' exam outcomes and propose strategies for them to improve their scores. The data analytics method is very significant in the healthcare sector. Health care analytics employs current and historical data to gain insights and enhance decision-making at both the patient and professional levels. Because of the use of health data analytics, improvements in patient care, quicker and more accurate diagnoses, preventative measures, more tailored treatment, and more informed decision-making are all conceivable. It has the potential to reduce expenses, streamline internal procedures, and do other things for businesses.


The process of data analytics is a valuable asset for both organizations and consumers. Data analytics helps for prediction as well as knowledge discovery. In this global pandemic, Covid-19 has ruined our daily life. Many people lost their life due to this pandemic. But in this situation, data analytics helps surveys in the medical field. The data is analyzed in real-time to understand the virus's impacts better and predict future trends, helping us to slow the spread and avoid future outbreaks. In conclusion, we can say that in every sector data analytics process can help to make better decisions and help analyze trends and satisfaction, which can lead to new and better products and services.


Industrial Talk 7: Introduction to Data Visualization (iCEP)


Power BI is a set of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to transform disparate data sources into logical, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Our data could be in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or a group of hybrid data warehouses that are both cloud-based and on-premises. Power BI makes it simple to connect to our data sources, view and find what's essential, and share it with whoever we choose. Microsoft Power BI performs an excellent job of mixing powerful analytics with a user-friendly UI and impressive data visualization capabilities. It's one of the best business intelligence tools available. Power BI integrates to a variety of data sources, including spreadsheets, databases, and cloud and on-premise apps. Power BI is a catch-all phrase that can refer to a desktop application for Windows called Power BI Desktop, an online SaaS (Software as a Solution) service called Power BI Service, or mobile Power BI apps for Windows phones and tablets, as well as iOS and Android devices. Because Power BI is based on Microsoft Excel, the transition from Excel to Power BI is not as difficult; anyone who can use Excel can use Power BI, but the latter is significantly more powerful than its spreadsheet predecessor.

Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence tool that can be used to generate reports and uncover insights from a company's data. Power BI can connect to a variety of data sources and "cleans up" the information it receives so that it may be more easily digested and comprehended. This data can then be used to generate reports and visualizations that can be shared with other users. Power BI allows users to view not just what has occurred in the past and what is occurring now, but also what may occur in the future. Machine learning capabilities are included into Power BI, allowing it to recognize patterns in data and use those patterns to make informed predictions and conduct "what if" scenarios. Users can use these estimates to make forecasts and prepare for future events. Users can use these estimates to create projections and prepare for future demand and other crucial parameters. Businesses may use Power BI to gather, analyze, and visualize data from across the organization, providing them a better understanding of their operations and performance and allowing them to make better decisions based on real facts. We can use Microsoft power BI in the following ways:


  • Connect to information

  • Data transformation and modeling

  • Make graphs and charts.

  • Create visual collections for reports and dashboards.

  • Use the Power BI service to share reports with others.

  • Businesses may use Power BI to input large amounts of data that would be difficult to process on other platforms.

  • Machine learning technologies built into the software may analyze data and assist users in spotting important trends and making intelligent forecasts.

  • Businesses may better understand their data by employing sophisticated templates to visualize information.


Microsoft Power BI is an application system solution that helps all types of enterprises analyse data and share insights. Businesses may use this technology to keep a closer check on their operations and get rapid responses via complete dashboards that are available from any device. Data preparation in BI offers advantages in increasing the efficiency of business cooperation since it supports in the realisation of analysis for numerous task areas. Microsoft Power BI is a vital issue solver in any organisation since it analyses complicated data more quickly and accurately, allowing us to reformulate essential reports in a more complete and secure manner in the shortest amount of time.


Microsoft Power BI is an application system solution that helps all types of enterprises analyse data and share insights. Businesses may use this technology to keep a closer check on their operations and get rapid responses via complete dashboards that are available from any device. Data preparation in BI offers advantages in increasing the efficiency of business cooperation since it supports in the realisation of analysis for numerous task areas. Microsoft Power BI is a vital issue solver in any organisation since it analyses complicated data more quickly and accurately, allowing us to reformulate essential reports in a more complete and secure manner in the shortest amount of time.




Microsoft Power BI is an application system solution that helps all types of enterprises analyse data and share insights. Businesses may use this technology to keep a closer check on their operations and get rapid responses via complete dashboards that are available from any device. Data preparation in BI offers advantages in increasing the efficiency of business cooperation since it supports in the realisation of analysis for numerous task areas. Microsoft Power BI is a vital issue solver in any organisation since it analyses complicated data more quickly and accurately, allowing us to reformulate essential reports in a more complete and secure manner in the shortest amount of time.




Microsoft Power BI is an application system solution that helps all types of enterprises analyse data and share insights. Businesses may use this technology to keep a closer check on their operations and get rapid responses via complete dashboards that are available from any device. Data preparation in BI offers advantages in increasing the efficiency of business cooperation since it supports in the realisation of analysis for numerous task areas. Microsoft Power BI is a vital issue solver in any organisation since it analyses complicated data more quickly and accurately, allowing us to reformulate essential reports in a more complete and secure manner in the shortest amount of time.


Microsoft Power BI is an application system solution that helps all types of enterprises analyse data and share insights. Businesses may use this technology to keep a closer check on their operations and get rapid responses via complete dashboards that are available from any device. Data preparation in BI offers advantages in increasing the efficiency of business cooperation since it supports in the realisation of analysis for numerous task areas. Microsoft Power BI is a vital issue solver in any organisation since it analyses complicated data more quickly and accurately, allowing us to reformulate essential reports in a more complete and secure manner in the shortest amount of time.




Great gains have been made in recent decades to provide dependable energy sources to the world's people, yet services remain critically insufficient in some areas. Electricity is a commodity that gives significant value to contemporary life: there is light from the night; he may wash his clothes; cook; operate machinery; or communicate with people all over the world. Many would argue that this is necessary for poverty reduction, economic progress, and higher living standards. Therefore, the electricity is indispensable in every sector. Besides, no only that our need of electricity consumption is more and more every year.



Our goal is to use Data visualization from Microsoft Power BI to show that Electricity consumption in Malaysia will prove that electricity will represent a country's development such as economic growth and show that electricity is a key component of contemporary technology; without it, most of the products we use every day would not be usable or manufactured. 

Electricity is one of science's most important contributions to humanity. Furthermore, technology has become such an integral part of our daily lives that many can't envision a world without it. However, there are some questions about the electricity. Why will the electricity consumption will represent the urban development? Which sector uses the most electricity? How much electricity does the country consume each year? What are the important of electricity? From this all question we can investigate the data analysis we have to answer the question.


    We can see that the electric consumption in Malaysia is increase every year and no decrease. Therefore, it is show that the electricity is an essential aspect of mod​ern life. As a result, there is a great amount of energy available to consume power and increase agricultural and industrial productivity. This is because electricity enables the use of electrical and electronic devices where the usage of electricity is required to ensure regular operation. Furthermore, it will boost human productivity in terms of job efficiency and product creation, therefore enhancing the city's economy and consequently people's income. Thus, the higher a country's per capita energy consumption, the higher its people's level of life.


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The sector of highest uses in electricity is Industry. This is because the industrial sector was underdeveloped, and the inherited economic system was heavily dependent on manufactured products. Therefore, Industry needs most of the electricity for operation of machines, or other technology to produces items, and increase the production. 

     Based on the data the electricity does a country consume is increasing each year. In 2016,116529K(GWh). In 2015, 110770K(GWh). Next, is in 2014 is 108259K(GWh). In 2013, 105861K(GWh). In 2012, 102174k(GWh). In 2011, 97939k(GWh). In 2010, 94666K(GWh). In 2009,87950K(GWh). In 2008, 84924K(GWh). In 2007, 81710K(GWh). In 2006, 77504K(GWh). In 2005,73987K(GWh). In 2004, 70954(GWh). In 2003, 66874K(GWh). In 2002, 62815K(GWh). In 2001,59903K(GWh). In 2000 ,55387K(GWh). In 1999, 50815K(GWh). In 1998, 48276K(GWh). In 1997,46073K(GWh).    

    Electricity has several applications in our daily lives. It is used to illuminate rooms, run fans, and power domestic appliances such as electric stoves and air conditioners, to name a few applications. All of this adds to one's own comfort. Power is used to operate large machinery in industrial operations. Power is the source of basic things like sustenance, materials, paper, and a variety of other things. It also allows us to better our health. Without electricity, hospitals would have considerably fewer medical devices to assist patients with their medical issues. As a result, electricity may save lives and help people live longer lives. As a result, we are not only a more conscious and informed society, but we are also healthier. Electricity has significantly enhanced our quality of living. There is no doubting that if electricity goes out, most people's living standards would suffer significantly.

       In conclusion, the electricity consumption will represent the urban development and the electricity are consume in an urban each year is increase. Therefore, the electric is the thing can't be lacking in our daily life.

Variable transformations

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      The image above depicts the data after it has been cleansed. There are 7 data types that have been transformed. The 'Total Electric Consumption' data type is changed from decimal to whole number. Furthermore, the data type for 'Industry,' 'commercial,' 'Residential,' 'Human Health,' 'Transport,' and 'Agriculture' has been modified from decimal number to two decimal places for all values. Furthermore, the 'Total Electric Consumption' is being converted into percentages. We now have a total of 9 variables. The data displays the year, industry, commercial, residential, human health, transportation, agriculture, total electric consumption, and percent of total electric consumption every year.


Pie Chart( Electric consumption in 2015 by Sub Sector)

       By using Microsoft Power BI, we have been developed the data visualization about Electric consumption by Sub Sector. One of the data visualizations is pie chart that showing the result of Electric Consumption in 2015 and the Sub Sector. There are 6 sector which are Industry, Commercial, Residential, Transport & storage, Agriculture, and Human health.


    Descriptive Analytics: From the pie chart, Industry’s sector is the dominant sector that fill 41.24% of the pie chart with the highest consumption which is 47.57k GWh. Followed by the second highest electric consumption sector which is Commercial’s sector that fill 32.83% of the pie chart with 37.88k GWh. Next, it can be seen that both sectors, Transport & storage and Agriculture only fill the smallest part of the pie chart with total 0.64% where the total for both sectors’ electric consumption are less than 1.0 k GWh which are the lowest.


   Discuss the result : Overall, since the industry and commercial are the most use electric in 2015, these 2 sectors have more used on technology to increase the productivity and do activity of daily life. While, for residential's electric consumption will absolutely keep increasing and at some point are multiple time than its previous years as it depend on populations. The transport is the least of used electric as most of it are depend on petroleum. In future, we can probably expect to see more and more sector used the electric in our daily life.



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Line chart (Industry, Commercial, Residential and Human Health by Year)

            Descriptive Analytics : The line chart shows electric consumption by Industry, Commercial, Residential and Human Health from 1997 to 2016. It can be seen that industry have been a sector with the highest electric consumption for 19 years straight, where the electric consumption is 25,868.25 GWh in 1997 and keep increasing until 2016 with its electric consumption is 49,042.51 GWh. The sector with a second highest electric consumption is commercial, where in 1997 its electrics consumption is 12,396.13 GWh which is 13,472 GWh behind industry. Commercial electrics consumption also gradually increased year by year, until in 2016 its electric consumption is 39,483.87 GWh but still 9559 GWh behind industry sector. The same goes to residential sector where its also show rise of electric consumption, where in 1997 it was 7,796.92 GWh and gradually increase until in 2016 it reaches 27,118.78 GWh. However, for human health sector, its electric consumption is 0.0 GWh remain constant for 16 years which is from 1997 to 2013 and dramatically increased to 4,489.65 GWh in 2014. Human health sector only reaches 4,940.04 GWh by year 2016.


            Discuss the result :  Overall, since the industry and commercial are the most use electric from 1997 to 2016, these 2 sectors have more used on technology to increase the productivity and do activity of daily life. Also, the growth for residential's electric consumption are being affected by populations as the bigger populations will make residential's electric consumption became higher. While, a reason for Human health sector sudden increased in 2014 must be a technology surge in that sector.

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Bar Chart (Total Electric Consumption by Year)

       Descriptive Analytics : The bar chart illustrates the total electric used between the year 1997 and 2016 at 20-year intervals. It can be seen that the total electric used is skyrocket from 46,073 GWh in 1997 to 116,529 GWh in 2016. The total of electric used is relatively low, starting at 46,073 GWh in 1997. However, while with the increase of years and the development of the country, our electric usage is increasing more and more by years. For the next six years, our electric usage has increased gradually and reached 77,504 GWh in 2003. It keeps increasing for another 6 years where in 2009, electric consumption is 87,950 GWh. Also, 7 years after 2009, the electric consumption in 2016 has reached the highest point from all the other past years which is 116,529 GWh.


      Discuss the result : Overall, we can see a clear upward trend in the total electric used in Malaysia between 20 years. This situation happened precisely because of the advancing technology in all of the sectors. The technology surge equal to increase electric consumption. It is also can be relate with the growing populations because when the number of people are increased, electric consumption will also increased. It is impossible for growing population will decreased the electric's consumption, unless most of the peoples are living far away from modern society./  

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Area Chart (Transport and Agriculture by Year)

            Descriptive Analytics: The area chart shows the growth of electric consumption for both transport sector and agriculture sector for 19 years. Electric consumption for transport sector remains constant from 1997 to 1998 with 11.62 GWh. After that, it increased in year 1999 with 46.49 GWh and suddenly decreased to 34.80 GWh in year 2001. These up and down goes until electric consumption for transport sector reaches the highest point in 2016 with 340.43 GWh. Then, for agriculture sector, its electric consumption remains 0.0 GWh from year 1997 to 2007 and dramatically increased to 225.40 GWh in 2008. Then, its electric consumption gradually increased year by year until in 2016 it reaches 543.31 GWh, 202.88 GWh higher than transport sector.


             Discuss the result : Overall, we can see an upward trend in electric consumption by transport sector and agriculture sector across 19 years. The sudden electric consumption surge is likely because of the advancing technology are in used for both sector that it required higher electric usage. It can be said that the technology that being use in agriculture's sector before significant increased in electric's consumption are not advance enough that it need any electric. While, for transport's sector, it depend more on fuel like oil and coal before it change to transportations that used electric afterwards, such as Light Rail Transit LRT. 

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Bar Chart (Percentage of electric consumption in 2015 by Sub sector)

            Descriptive Analytics: The bar chart shows the percentage of electric consumption in 2015 by Sub sectors. There are 6 sector which are Industry, Commercial, Residential, Transport & storage, Agriculture, and Human health. The highest percentage for electric consumption goes to industry sector with its percentage is 41.24%. Followed by commercial sector (32.83%), residential sector (21.31%) and human health sector (3.98%). Lastly, it can be seen that the bar for both transport & storage, and agriculture are so slim and its percentages are 0.22% and 0.42% respectively.


             Discuss the result : In conclusion, the percentage of electric consumption for industry is the highest one because its possibly connected to electronic machine that being used and consume lot of electric. While, both transport & storage, and agriculture have very low percentage because technologies that being used is most likely required less electric consumption. Therefore, technologies or machine usage in sectors are highly affecting the electric consumption.



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In conclusion, the data from the all the graphs except pie chart shows that electric consumption for all sectors are increasing from 1997 to 2016 following the growth of human population and advancing electronic devices, even though sectors like human health, agriculture and transport & storage took few years to have their electric consumption increased dramatically. While pie chart shows that in 2015, industry, commercial, and residential sectors consume more electric than the other sectors.

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  • Compile report

  • A narrative of the analytics was conducted

  • Variable transformations

  • Come up with a data visualization and explore it using Microsoft Power BI

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  • Industrial Talk 7: Introduction to Data Visualization (iCEP)

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  • Describe & Discussion of the results for data visualization

  • A narrative of the analytics was conducted

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  • Trends of Data Analytics in Different Sectors

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